
Features of Odoo 12 (Productivity Tools)

Features of Odoo 12 - Productivity Tools



Dynamic dashboards with UX inspired by Google Analytics. Dashboards can include any graph, cohort, or KPIs.

Configuration bar

New configuration bar in Sales, eCommerce, Invoicing & Accounting to help users configure the system.


Support of recurring activities, email templates, a new view to check all activities at a glance. Include today's meeting.

Email Template

Harmonize UI and improve the content of the default email templates.

Full Keyboard Support

Press alt to highlight shortcuts and navigate entirely with the keyboard in forms, list and kanban views.

Date Filters

Ease filtering on dates (today, last week, this quarter...) and flexible grouping of data by date (by day, week, months...).

Sharing Links

Easily share access to documents, or the customer portal.

Access Rights

A user is either a portal user, either a public user or an employee to access to the system. Avoid error and access issues.

Demo Data

Improved demo data, based on a business case of office furniture.


Support of right to left for language as Arabic.

Cohort View

New cohort view to analyze retention or churn rates over time.

Quick Create

In kanban views, the quick create has been improved to display more fields in the card. (no popup anymore)


Select the first day of the week.

Email Digest

Get KPIs sent by email periodically according to your preferences: new leads, opportunities won, revenues, cash, tickets closed, open tasks, etc.


New interface to import files & lots of usability improvements such as import templates. The system learns data mapping to auto-detect columns, detects data formatting (dates, floats). Massive speed improvements.



Create specific environment, for a group of worker or per companies.


Create any actions for any conditions. For instance, create an invoice or a task in Odoo.


New interface with filters on forlders or tags, documents in kanban and action manager on the right.

Tags by categories

Use tags to organize your environment. .

Requests documents

Use activities request a document to an other person, it will create an activity for this person.


Share any documents in public, select validity dates and give rights or not to upload and/or download.


Activate the chat on any document.


Create documents by email by sending to an alias.


Lock a document to prevent other users to work on it while you are editing it.

Email Digest

Get KPIs sent by email periodically according to your preferences: new leads, opportunities won, revenues, cash, tickets closed, open tasks, etc.


Select the first day of the week.


Preview of PDF, images, videos.

Quick Create

In kanban views, the quick create has been improved to display more fields in the card. (no popup anymore)

Split PDFs

Split a group of documents to avoid scan it one by one. Or split a document to request a signature on the main document, without annexes.


SMS validation

A double authentication to harden the security of digital signatures.


Improve the flow of the Sign Application to ease the onboarding of the user and the use of the application on a day-to-day basis.



Discuss onboarding is done through OdooBot. It will welcome you on your first connection to present all the Discuss features.Discuss onboarding is done through OdooBot. It will welcome you on your first connection to present all the Discuss features.


Like Mailman, it is now possible to moderate the incoming messages for a channel. You can accept or reject the message and you can always allow or ban a channel member.


Improvement and ease of notification in desktop and mobile. Cleaning in the code to improve performance. Get notified on failure messages.


Discuss on a specific document on a chat window. Allow to stay on your current page. You know now the other person is typing. Added and improved emoji.


Get access on settings thanks to the gear icon near the channel name.



Attract the user’s attention by sending a different color background on an activity type.


Automatic schedule mechanism has been added to plan a flow of activities for specific objects. Added done and schedule feature.


Display your today’s meetings in the next activity dropdown to quickly check what’s planned for your day.


Allow people to add personal reminders in Odoo using the Notes application and the Next Activities modules (ie: lunch with colleagues, call mom,...).

Mail template

Select a mail template on an activity type to remind several users to do an activity.


Get things done easily with the new Activity view! Navigate quickly through calls, emails, meetings and reminders you planned for yourself. Available on all objects for maximum integration.


Report Designer

New studio tool allowing you to create new PDF reports and customize existing ones.

App Logo

You can now edit an app's logo right from the studio interface.

Move fields

Fields already in a view can now be dragged and dropped.

Status bar

Allow activation and editing a pipeline status bar from the form view.

Monetary Fields

You can now create monetary fields.

Selection Values

Values of new selection fields can be edited and sorted.

Image Resizing

The size of an image can now be modified.


View Switcher

Add the view switcher to improve the user experience on mobile applications.

Search Panel

Improvement of the search tool on mobile devices and addition of the "Group By" option.

Stat Buttons

Better display of the stat buttons on mobile devices.


Get access to the camera more easily. It allows to create expenses even more quickly.


Jupyter Lab

Edit and create code through Odoo.sh interface

SSH access

Access to your Odoo.SH databases from any SSH clients.

Scalable worker

You can select the number of workers you want to use.

Editable repository

Edit code and push it to Github through Odoo.SH terminal.


See the up-time stats of the various servers of SH.



Prevent user to delete bases data like UoM categories or activity type. Prevent users to break their email templates. Creation of a super admin to prevent users to break admin access rights.

Action Manager

Refactoring of the action manager. Removed View Manager which is now included in action manager.

Staging performance

Optimize notification process and followers computation.

Remove action on Fetchmail

Incoming email servers are not linked to a unique model anymore. With aliases and automatic thread creation, emails can create records in various models.

Less dependencies

Survey don't depends on website anymore. Purchases don't depend on stock. UoM has been extracted from products.

Python Test

Yml tests has been removed and replaced by Python test.

For more information please email us: contact@synconics.com or Skype: synconics.technologies or call us on: +91-942-686-4274 or visit our website: www.synconics.com to know more and how best we could associate.

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Features of Odoo 12 (Procurement & Finance)